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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday - What to Bring for your Bridal Portrait Session

10 Things to bring along for your bridal portrait session:

bridals utah1. Mom, a sister, friend or maid of honor
Don't forget your handy crew!  Someone who knows your dress, how you like your lip gloss applied and someone who won't be distracted by their cell phone and is willing to come along and help hold that veil and apply touch ups.  But be careful not to bring too many fellow friends along!  Remember when you were little and it was time for pictures at a family gathering.  Mom or dad, or aunt sally was behind the camera with 6 other relatives all trying to get the children's attention, shouting, making crazy noises and even criticizing or critiquing the older ones with phrases like, "NO, a REAL smile! Not that fake smile..." Well.. lol, which of us actually liked doing those pictures, and felt comfortable and at ease.  Invite someone along who you feel comfortable around and will not be a distraction.

2. You! A Healthy,  awake you!
Leading up to your bridal session, be sure to get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of water, stay away from salts, sugars and high fat oily type foods. Eat plenty of healthy foods too! Fruits, like berries and nuts are great for the skin. These all seem like such no-brainer things to think of, but during the months leading up to the wedding, when stress can run high, junk food is even more attractive:) If you are feeling awake and with it, then it will be easier to be yourself in your pictures!

bridals utah3. Your special bag of tricks
Lip gloss, a little mirror, mascara and a little blush.

4. Good shoes.
This is quickly forgotten, but be sure to think about how much walking might be involved, and where the location is.  Are you going to be hiking through a field to get to the right spot. Will their be snow? Are you going to be walking a bit around downtown? Your shoes need to come of course for some great detail shots, and shots that will have you feet showing.

5. Stay Warm, Stay Cool
A cool water bottle for when it's hot! Leggings or sweatpants (depending on the style of your dress) when it's cold. A warm coat for in-between sets for outdoor winter shoots.

6. A bouquet.
An elegant arrangement of flowers is always the perfect prop.
bridals utah

7. Pins. Bobby pins, safety pins etc..
When part of your do starts a fallin, it's always nice to have back ups.

8. Jewelery
BLING! A little touch of sparkle here and there. Earrings, a necklace and a bracelet... 

9. A sheet or tarp
Are your bridals being taken in an outdoor area without a clean place to change or sit? Bring a clear plastic tarp or sheet with the right tint of your dress along to help keep things tidy.

10. A smile
Let whatever stresses of the wedding or day sit up on the shelf for the few hours that your bridals will take up. Mentally put it there so that you can just be yourself at your happiest:)