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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Golden Gate Bridge Mini Sessions - The Wong Family

* You will now find our family portrait work at

I love doing pictures at Crissy Fields in front of the Golden Gate Bridge!  The LAST day I will be there this year is the 26th of October.  Message me to book a spot that day. Only 2 available.

golden gate bridge mini sessions

crissy field mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

Family tickle fight fun!

golden gate bridge mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

golden gate bridge mini sessions

Crissy field beach is a favorite! A perfect grand view of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Getting our toes wet is part of the fun of a beach family session! No big surprise waves here, but it's fun to see all the large boats going by.  We also spotted some funny looking explorer boats with a little bubble window at the top.  I looks like a very unique way to explore the bay.

Every log, every rock is an opportunity to adventure and explore.

Had to give doggo plenty of love during the session so he would feel included as well.

The light was so pretty from the sun setting so we had to do one with the soft light on their faces and the skyline of San Fransisco behind them.

golden gate bridge mini sessions