What to wear for your high school senior portrait session.
Ten Tips:1. Don't be too matchy matchy
If you have a black shirt, try grey or blue jeans instead of black
2. Be bright but not too white!
Wear the colors that fit you best, bit be careful not to be too bright. For example, a bright orange shirt on a hot sunny day will bounce that same color up onto your face. Color always makes a photo really pop! If you do want to wear white, then add a little color to it, such as a blue tank top under a white shirt. If bright colors aren't really your thing, then bring down the hues and instead accent the simple color with a few accessories such as silver earrings and bracelets.

3. Think temperature.
If you are trying to fake how warm you really are when it is chilly out, then come prepared for the in between moments. Bring an overcoat, even if it won't be in the shots. If you do want to wear a coat, then have some fun with hats and scarves to brighten it up. These items can also make for a fun prop to use to play with...
4. Be you!
When sorting through your clothes deciding what to wear, and your friends are adding on their own opions, don't let you own personal style disappear! Don't be afraid to bring along those ratty retro shoes you love for a few shots, or your favorite pair of jeans. What about that funky book bag made of wool that has seen it's day. If it is a part of you and would go with the shoot that bring it along!
5. Options, options, options

6. Share your story
Sometimes this applies to just certain props. But can often be applied through your attire too. Do you have a sports outfit you want to wear for a few shots, or a varsity swim team jacket... Maybe your in a band and you like to rock a fun outfit for that... Have a prom or homecoming dress you'd like to test out and pose in again before it hides away in the closet?

We've already talked over some fun ideas, but don't forget that mom and dad may want that formal shot as well. So don't forget to bring a long a formal outfit. A dress/ skirt or slacks and a nice shirt or blouse.
8. Hair and Jewelry
I would recommend leaving your hair down for most styles. Hair can bring its own unique personality to the table. If you have a lot of hair and just don't want to let it swish about, that consider something loose, like a braid along the front and ending on the side of your head. If the session should take place on a windy day and you want to leave your hair down, then bring a barrette or hair tie just in case. Fun rings, bracelets, head bands, earring etc add the perfect assortment of glitz and glam, but be careful that your selections do not distract too much from you!

9. Stripes and patterns
Stripes are ok, if they aren't too small. Same goes for patterns. With patterns and stripes, usually the more contrasted they are, the more distracting they can be. When pairing clothing items together, be careful not to have too many fancy patterns go on.
10. A happy healthy smile
Don't forget to take care of your self leading up to the session. Drink plenty of water, stay away from the salts and sugars. Eat plenty of good fruits and get plenty of sleep. Doing these things can really make a difference from how you will look and feel.
** If you can't fully decide, feel free to bring your selections along if you would like an additional opinion
Tags: High School Senior Pictures, Portrait Photographer Salt Lake City, Utah Portrait Photographer, Seniors, Salt Lake City Senior Pictures, Utah Head Shot Photographer, Head Shots, Headshot, Headshots, Utah Headshots, Salt Lake City Head shots, Utah Portrait Photographer, Portraiture, Fashion Photographer Salt Lake City, Actor Head Shots, Modeling Head Shots Utah, Modeling, Affordable Portrait Photographer Utah, Utah Photographers, Awesome Portrait Photography, Senior Pictures, HS Senior Pictures Salt Lake City High School Senior Pictures, Portrait Photographer Salt Lake City, Utah Portrait Photographer, Seniors, Salt Lake City Senior Pictures, Utah Head Shot Photographer, Head Shots, west valley city senior photos, high school senior pictures salt lake county, salt lake county senior portrait photographer, Salt Lake City Head shots, Utah Portrait Photographer, Bountiful photographers, murray senior pictures, Actor Head Shots, pleasant grove portrait photographer, senior photos, Affordable Portrait Photographer Utah, Utah Photographers, salt lake city senior pictures, provo senior pictures, HS Senior Pictures Salt Lake City
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